Category «Uncategorized»

CRP Seeding

CRP Seeding Projects protect acres of Land from erosion and is designed to safeguard the natural resources.CRP projects protects ground water and helps improve the conditions of lakes, rivers, ponds and streams.CRP helps vegetative cover for increased wildlife populations. Projects that Lake Pelican Water Project District has been involved with: Project #6 Fuller Township (2011) …

Barr Engineering Company

Barr Engineering company specializes in watershed and flood protection issues. To date, Barr Engineering has established over 200 projects using small dams and water detention structures for maintaining flood control, improving water quality, recharging aquifer, protecting roadways and enhancing wildlife habitat. The Army Corp of Engineers routinely hires Barr Engineering Company to be design consultants …

Environmentally Friendly

Multiple small dams and ponding are the proper and practical approach to the general population of and about Watertown and all communities to the south. This practice is environmentally friendly, less expensive to construct and has less environmental impact than any other design to date. This cost effective and simple procedure is being reviewed by …

Small Dams Protect Our Farmland Resources

When the small dams are implemented, there will be No family farms or agriculture producers displaced. This cannot be said for the large dam design. Small dams have been proven to actually enhance the watershed for fanning and ranching. South Dakota’s number one business is agriculture. It continues to rank higher than tourism or manufacturing. …

Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan

A comprehensive water resources management plan of the Lake Pelican Water Project District (LPWPD) will total around $324,000. Once this study has been completed, the Lake Pelican Water Project District and Barr Engineering will know just how much water can be slowed down and for what period of time each of the eight sub-sheds will …

Water Pollution

Two federal agencies with jurisdiction over Clean Water Act issues announced Dec. 20 their intention to intensify their efforts to use a watershed-based approach to make management decisions. The Watershed Management Partnership Agreement was signed Nov. 19, by Benjamin Grumbles, the Environmental Protection Agency’s assistant administrator for water, and John Paul Woodley, assistant secretary of …

First Small Dam Complete

The ribbon cutting ceremony was held September 18, 2003 on the first small dam structure that was installed by the Lake Pelican Water Project District. Over fifty people including representatives from Senators Daschle’s and Johnson’s office were on hand to listen as Steve Klein, from the Barr Engineering Company, explained the benefits and lower costs …